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SPHEREboard 6.2 Release to Streamline Identity Hygiene

Aug 3, 2022 10:18:48 AM Caroline Kinlin 2 min read

The software upgrade introduces Stock & Flow Reporting to pinpoint where security risks are being introduced in environments.  learn more

The software upgrade introduces Stock & Flow Reporting to pinpoint where security risks are being introduced in environments.

SPHERE announced the release of SPHEREboard 6.2. This latest software upgrade introduces automatic remediation and full visibility into security risks and privileged access in an organization.

“The global cyber threat landscape is changing rapidly, and the industry needs to be hyper-focused on remediating risk rather than just reporting it,” said John Klinck, Vice President of Sales at SPHERE. “SPHEREboard 6.2 ushers in modernized Identity Hygiene so that an organization’s attack surface is dramatically reduced.”

The proprietary SPHEREboard platform combines business intelligence, institutional knowledge, and industry best practices in an end-to-end workflow. Version 6.2 introduces Stock and Flow Reporting, enabling organizations to be proactive in their goal of reducing their internal threat posture. This tool allows customers to oversee remediation progress, pinpoint process breaks that introduce risks into their environment, and understand the security improvements they’re making over timeIn essence, this upgrade is helping customers address not only their existing violations but shines the light on where new security issues are being introduced in their environment.

“Without this context, organizations could be running remediations weekly while seeing overall violations increasing,” Klinck said. “This is a very real issue that our customers struggle with, and this upgrade will pinpoint exactly why those remediations aren’t as successful as planned.”

Internal threats are a leading instigator of data breaches. Seventy-eight percent of Privilege Misuse incidents tracked in Verizon’s 2022 DBIR report resulted in data compromise, with the most common types of data including PII and medical. The Healthcare and Financial industries show the highest percentages of internal threat frequency resulting in data breaches, with 39% and 27%, respectively. SPHERE holds unique insight into the trickiest privileged access and insider threat challenges that organizations in these highly regulated industries face, and the company continues its promise to deliver best-of-breed solutions with this software upgrade.


SPHEREboard 6.2 will also initiate:

  • Card & Panel Standardization – Customers will now have a uniform look and feel with standardized functionality.
  • Enhancements to Hitachi, CyberArk, SharePoint, & OneDrive connectors – The upgrade also improves performance significantly to the UDM landing page and granular details pages.
  • Remediations for O365 assets – Customers are now equipped with better insights and a path toward remediation for their O365 environment.

SPHEREboard 6.2 is addressing an age-old problem in a unique and modern way, by putting the onus of cleaning up open access and excessive file sharing in the cloud back on the data owners.