Unstructured Data: Five Key Statistics You Need to Know

May 17, 2024 10:41:47 AM EDT | Blog Unstructured Data: Five Key Statistics You Need to Know

Discover key statistics about unstructured data, including its growth rate, management challenges, and security risks. Learn how to protect your organization from breaches and ensure compliance.

How many unstructured data sources can you name off the top of your head? Enterprise firms deal with countless terabytes of unstructured data, ranging from text analytics and paper documents to Excel spreadsheets, hard drives, and print servers. This unorganized and easily accessible data spans well beyond big network-attached devices, file servers, or document management systems such as SharePoint, which are the usual priorities in securing sensitive data. Here’s a brief primer on the vast world of unstructured data in five essential statistics.

1. 80% of Enterprise Data Today is Unstructured

According to Gartner, 80% of enterprise data is unstructured. Sensitive items like emails, message docs, ZIP files, log files, archived web content, and code snippets make up the vast majority of enterprise data. These are housed across various systems and locations, left unanalyzed and vulnerable to breaches. Imagine 80% of anything being as unorganized and unsecured—it's a significant risk.

2. Unstructured Data Grows at a Rate of 61% Annually

Unstructured data is expanding rapidly, with a compounded annual growth rate of 61%, according to IDC. By 2025, only 20% of the world’s data will be structured. The global data volume is predicted to reach 175 zettabytes (1 zettabyte equals 1 trillion gigabytes), with 80% being unstructured. This enormous volume of accessible and unmonitored data puts firms at increased risk.

3. 71% of Enterprises Struggle with Unstructured Data Management and Protection

Based on a Market Pulse Survey, 71% of enterprises find managing and protecting unstructured data challenging. Despite growing cybersecurity threats, many enterprises fall short of basic data security measures, such as establishing consistent policies or implementing functional data governance strategies. Attackers target these lapses, particularly in unsecured folders and open access points that provide a window into critical and sensitive data.

4. 21% of All Data is Unprotected

Varonis’s Global Data Risk Report reveals that 21% of all data is not protected in any way. For firms with over 1 million data folders, approximately 100,000 of these folders are unprotected, unencrypted, and open to all. This leaves sensitive IP and client data exposed, significantly increasing security risks. Every unprotected folder is a potential vulnerability.

5. 54% of a Company’s Data is Stale

Another significant finding from the Global Data Risk Report is that 54% of a company’s data is stale. Stale data, often kept for compliance reasons, can be sensitive and pose high risks when stored beyond predetermined retention periods. Managing and archiving this data is crucial, yet 85% of companies have over 100,000 folders containing stale data. This issue extends to stale accounts as well, highlighting a critical area of vulnerability.

Looking Ahead

Unstructured data is vast in size and scope. Understanding these key statistics is the first step towards successful data governance and mitigating security risks. Implementing effective data management strategies is crucial to protect your organization from potential breaches and ensure compliance with data security standards.

By addressing these challenges head-on, firms can better manage their unstructured data, reduce risks, and safeguard sensitive information.

Speak with one of our experts today to see how SPHEREboard can help.
Caroline Kinlin

Written By: Caroline Kinlin

Caroline Kinlin, Serving as SPHERE's Chief Marketing Officer has over two decades of experience in B2B marketing, specializing in go-to-market strategies and operations and leading dynamic teams. Her achievements include enhancing marketing scalability, managing budgets effectively, and significantly improving sales pipelines by 300-500% while reducing customer acquisition costs by 30-40% in the SaaS, cybersecurity, and data security industries. Caroline holds an MBA from Monmouth University and a Bachelor's from Loyola University. Beyond her professional accomplishments, she mentors emerging talent and advises professional organizations, showcasing a leadership style that values creativity, pragmatism, and empowerment.